Yesterday I went to see Fast Five at Livo with a bunch of people from our grade. I'm not gonna elaborate too much on the movie much because I might accidentally spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet. See, I can be considerate! ... sometimes ... :D
Overall it was a really awesome movie. It was the first fast and furious movie I've seen and I have to say that I was pretty impressed and I wouldn't mind watching it again! It was really action packed and different to what I expected. I think would give it around 4 to 4.5 stars out of 5. So go watch if you haven't already done so. Just a tip - STAY FOR THE CREDITS! Trust me, if you don't then you just wasted your $20 watching it. It's a really big cliffhanger especially for those who've seen all the other fast and furious movies.
I'll just leave it at that for me. But seriously, GO WATCH IT! I really want to watch the other fast and furious movies but they don't seem that good. Especially because in some of them the main characters from the 5th are missing. Except for the 4th one where all the main characters are together. I really do have the habit of watching something half way and then going back to watch it from the beginning after everything has been ruined for me. That's what happened to me for Grey's Anatomy and it was really weird watching it from season 1 after I knew who would end up with who.
Anyway, during the movie Minh Pham was YAWNING! I've mentioned this to many people already but I still can't get over it! Why Minh, WHY? It was amazingly good! But I can't complain. about it too much because you didn't even want to watch it in the first place. But thankyou for choosing to watch Fast Five instead of Never Say Never and Scream 4. *shivers*
Also, during the movie there wa this lady at the back of the cinema who had a really funny laugh. It was kinda like the girl version of Vikas' laugh. For those of you who don't already know, Vikas has this laugh where once you hear him laugh, you start laughing too. That was the same for that lady who was sitting at the back of the cinema. She would laugh at the most randomest moments, that weren't even funny, and we would start laughing. Mainly that was jus Anita and Therese but there was this one moment near the end of the film when that lady laughed. It wasn't even a funny scene at all, i think it was during one of those suspenseful scenes. Anyway, she laughed and then everyone in the cinema was laughing. I'm not kidding. EVERYONE. It was all quiet then that lady laughed then 5 seconds later EVERYONE in the cinema was laughing at her laugh. Her laugh was like AHAHAHAHAHA! NOT EVEN KIDDING! Funny lady! :L
Did I also mention that it took me and Minh forever, and I literally mean FOREVER, to choose what movie we wanted to watch. Lol. Some of the guys were telling us not to watch Never Say Never and how crap the rating was and everything and then Minh didn't want to watch Fast Five. Bottom line: it was really confusing bad stressful!
The whole day, in total, was really fun but I'm not bothered to blog about the other things that happened. Sorry guys!
I absolutely hate celery and capsicums!
It's the taste and smell of it that I dislike. Both of them have a really strong yucky taste. It's mostly the celery. The capsicum has a really strong smell once it's been cooked, like on pizza and other things. I sometimes can take capsicum if I eat like 1cm with each bite but NOOOO WAY am I getting anywhere near celery. I don't understand how other people can eat celery with peanut butter. Doesn't the strong taste of the celery annoy you? Well it annoys me and grosses me out. Yuck!
My apologies to those who enjoy eating celery and capsicum and enjoy their beautiful aroma and astonishing taste.
Yesterday was our last day of school. TWO WEEKS OF HOLIDAYS HERE I COME!
Recap of yesterday: Not much happened yesterday at school. It was mostly bludging because half the class was away.
After school Angela, Amanda, Drina and I went out to eat at cabra. As we were walking along the streets you could see a really scared expression on Drina's face even though she said she wasn't scared. LOL! At the restaurant Drina was looking through the menu and something funny happened! You know how when people read the menu, they go to the page with their favorite food? Well Drina Maneze went to the page with the cheapest food! Lol! It was because she didn't have enough money on her. She ended up getting BBQ pork with egg noodles. Amanda got crispy chicken with tomato rice whilst I shared an egg noodle with crispy chicken with Angela. There were a lot of funny moments as we ate but I can't be bothered listing all of them.
The day ended with Drina catching her train back to Campbelltown and Amanda and Angela walking home together. Me on the other hand, I was waiting for my bus with Kelvin, Steven Le, Kim and Helen.
It was a really awesome and laid back day. Now I have to start planning my holidays so I can make the most of it before it ends. Hehe!
Today we also had ag and mr mcgregor was telling us how the school wants a logo. We have a crest but we also want a special logo so when others see it they know that it's the hurlstone logo. He asked us for some ideas (bad decision btw) and we all started chucking ideas at him. Some of these ideas included:
- a cow
- a plow and a hoe
- a hand and a glove (symbolizing preg testing)
I don't remember the rest but the hand and glove one was the best idea by far. Who wouldn't recognize the symbolic hand and glove. People who have preg tested are proud of it, people who will preg test are excited about and people who haven't are just jelly because they can't experience that warmth inside a cow's ass. Let me tell you that doing preg testing in the winter would be the best. Just picture this. You're freezing cold in the stormy, cold weather and then BAM! you see a cow. You decide to stick you arm up it's ass and before long you'll be thanking yourself for making the best decision ever. So to those who haven't and will not get the chance to preg test, SUCK THAT! We go to HURLSTONE AGRICULTURAL HIGH SCHOOL and we're PROUD OF OUR POTATO SACKS!
I'll continue my secret posts next time because I've a blank mind atm. But don't worry, it'll come to me like a..uhmm.. EPIPHANY! Lol.
Today I got my English assessment back. First of all EWW! My assessment smells like stupid cigarette and it's probably the worst smelling one. I've never taken notice of the smell of my papers that skola marks but it had come to my attention that it smells GROSS! Like really gross. Angela, Anita and I tried to cover up the smell with deo but it made it smell worse. It was like a mixture of cigarette and deo. Nice and horrible at the same it.
I do not wish to comment on my mark. I can't really say whether I did good or bad because my standard are different to others. What I think is bad might be good to you and what I think is good might be bad to you. With every mark you get there is always room for improvement, that is unless you get 100%. Think of your mark as a goal. A goal in which you wish to beat in the future whether it is in the half yearlies or yearlies. You mark can be interpreted as your 'level' from the previous year. You want to improve and so you want to beat that mark. It is only when you fail to do that that you feel ashamed and disappointed in yourself. For now just smile as what is done is done. Why bag yourself out when you could be spending that time improving your studies?
So I just realized that when I post using my phone, it 'schedules' when it gets published. So the blog I just wrote is 'scheduled' to be published at around 5pm instead of posting on the spot right now, which is about 7am.
Anyways, I just tried my first ever up & go. I bought the vanilla a while a go and decided to try it today. I didn't know what I was expecting because some people said it was gross and some said it was amazing. Before long I sucked it up and started drinking it. First impression: it's pretty much just milk that tastes like custard. Second impression: this is pretty good. Haha.
Well I've got cooking in period 1 and 2 today. I gotta go catch my train. Blog you later...? LAME!
A lot of people already know this secret of mine but I still call it a secret.
I'm a person who doesn't like hassles. That's the simplest I can put it. Let's put it into practice. Let's say I went to the shops and I bought something for $4.20. I give the person behind the counter $10 and they only give me $5 change. Some people might go all crazy and chase up that 80c. But me on the other hand, I just leave it and go. I don't think 50c is worth the 10min hassle of arguing with the person behind the counter. That wasn't really the best analogy but at least you get the point. So really, I'm not bothered, well not really 'bothered', but i don't like to go the extra mile for something that may not affect me by a lot.
BUT! If the person behind the counter gave me $2 change then WOAHHH! BUDDY WHERE'S MY $3.80!
haha. So yeah, let's just keep this secret between us alright? :)
First period was maths. FINALLY we got our seats back from Josh G. It was all thanks to VK for coming early. But I have a feeling that he will still take our seats. Isn't there an internal instinct that tells you to always sit in the seats that you sat in on day one? Cos everyone has those instincts except for Josh G!
Period 2 was history. Everyone was rushing to get their history homework done in period 1 before lynch checks in period 2. We all got to the classroom and it turned out that we had a sub. All that worry and stress was for nothing.
Period 3 was pe theory. Hughes is a huge bitch. He has this blackmailing thing where he writes down who participated in the discussion at the end of the lesson. This discussion is pretty much sticking your hand up and contributing. He then is gonna use that for our reports. What the?! He should be writing our reports based on our work not our participation! Is this blackmail or what? Also he kept saying how I was away last lesson and that i should've caught up on work and stuff and how I'm responsible now and all. I'm 16 and the only thing I should be responsible about is not getting pregnant and taking drugs! And also I hate his attitude. 'I'll see how I feel'. What the freak man? Who cares how you feel. You could be in the mid of your periods for all I know! I hate Hughes if you haven't already noticed.
(Btw please excuse my anger. I can't help but burst out my emotions when talking about him.)
Period 4 was science. We (Angela, anita and I) took the guy's seats because they took our seat in pe. Girls are really sensitive about the seating positions. By girls i mean us 3. But it's fun though. I love my class. Anita doesn't. So we don't like her. :D
Just kidding. We all love Anita! ... some of us ... none of us ...
ANYWAYS! Period 5 and 6 was English and pass. Not much happened in those two periods. Although we did have Faulds as our teacher for pass because butler was away. It was pretty funny how alex rookyard was having a discussion with Faulds and me, Katrina and Erin just sat there cluelessly with no idea on what they were saying. Haha.