Dj Got Us Fallin' In Love Again
Saturday, August 14
So i was planning to make a really nice post for my 1 year on blogger. I just checked the date and i missed it by a month. I guess that tells how unorganised and forgetful i am. Well, since i missed out on that day, i guess i will make up for it today. I apologies first because this post is just going to be a long boring post.
It's been more than a year since i started blogger. I'm really thankful to christina for telling me about blogger. Blogger is a place where i say stuff instead of saying to my friends cos i think some of them are getting annoyed on how much i talk. LOL. It's also a reminder to me of all the funny things that has happened in my life, incase something happens and i forget everything ! *touch wood*
Thankyou to all my readers (if there are any) for reading my blog. I know i've been really inconsistent with my blogs and i probably rant more than blog about my daily life. Thanks for putting up with all that and still continuously read my blogs. It really means a lot to me that what i'm writing isn't going to waste and that someone is actually interested in my life, though not much really happens.
I promise to start blogging me and be mroe 'interesting' in my blogs. I'll start/continue to post up nice pictures from tumblr as well, if i find any. As some of you may have already realised, i don't have a tumblr so all the ncie pictures i get from tumblr ends up on my blog. I'll try and write some notes on where/who i got the pictures from so i won't be framed with copyright. LOL
Thanks again to my readers ! :)
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